Last month we talked about the upcoming Treasure Island release. We just recorded the credits and all that’s left is one last quality review and this will be ready for your eager ears!
We’re also pleased to let everyone know that our next podcast serial after the conclusion of Dash Cardigan will be Thomas E. Fuller’s Nairobi Jack Rackham and the Lost Gold of the Atlantimengani! These voice tracks are in the can and editing will be starting very soon.
But perhaps most exciting is the next thing we’re in pre-production on – the entire series of Rory Rammer, Space Marshal! That’s right – every episode of this fan-favorite is going into the booth. Rory, Skip, Rex Gorbechev, DARIL T-8, Kryssa Feynman, Professor Irwin Feynman, and a whole gaggle of supporting characters will be taking you from the skies of Earth to the orbit of the moon very soon!