The Atlanta Radio Theater Company proudly brings to you The Golden Age Action Hour. Three thrilling tales featuring characters created by legendary comic book artist (and co-creator of Marvel’s Captain America) Joe Simon and bought to life through the magic of Radio Theater. Taken directly from the pages of Joe Simon and Jack “The King of Comics” Kirby’s earliest works, each action packed episode contains a story featuring The Vagabond Prince and his kid sidekick, The Chief Justice, The Black Owl, and the Blue Bolt. Adapted for radio by Paul Landri and Jason Clark and featuring an original character created by Landri & Clark, all characters are used with gracious permission by the Estate of Joe Simon with special thanks to Mr. Harry Mendryk.
Tag: adventure
New Studio Projects for 2017
Last month we talked about the upcoming Treasure Island release. We just recorded the credits and all that’s left is one last quality review and this will be ready for your eager ears!
We’re also pleased to let everyone know that our next podcast serial after the conclusion of Dash Cardigan will be Thomas E. Fuller’s Nairobi Jack Rackham and the Lost Gold of the Atlantimengani! These voice tracks are in the can and editing will be starting very soon.
But perhaps most exciting is the next thing we’re in pre-production on – the entire series of Rory Rammer, Space Marshal! That’s right – every episode of this fan-favorite is going into the booth. Rory, Skip, Rex Gorbechev, DARIL T-8, Kryssa Feynman, Professor Irwin Feynman, and a whole gaggle of supporting characters will be taking you from the skies of Earth to the orbit of the moon very soon!
Dr. Geoffry Stanhope, Investigator of Occult Phenomena: The Dweller in the Depths part 2 of 2
[esplayer url = “” width = “80” height = “20” title = “Geoffry Stanhope: Dweller in the Depths part 2 of 2”]
St. Patrick drove the snakes out of Ireland (but not on a plane…unless you mean a 2-dimensional surface…nevermind). But did he miss one? Just what is the Loch Ness Monster? Assuming it even exists.
Last week we brought you part one of The Dweller in the Depths, by Thomas E. Fuller, recorded live at Eddie’s Attic in Decatur, GA. This week we bring you part two of the story, but this performance was recorded at Stone Mountain Park in 2005.
Dr. Geoffry Stanhope, Investigator of Occult Phenomena: The Dweller in the Depths part 1 of 2
[esplayer url = “” width = “80” height = “20” title = “Geoffry Stanhope: Dweller in the Depths part 1 of 2”]
Ah, St. Patrick’s Day. Leprechauns, shamrocks, pots o’ gold, and green things everywhere. Well, everywhere except here. We’ve just got lots of blarney because this week our podcast features a story set in that fabled land of…Scotland.
This week: Part one of The Dweller in the Depths, by Thomas E. Fuller. This episode was recorded live at Eddie’s Attic in Decatur, GA back in 1997. Next week we’ll bring you part two of the story, but the performers will be a lot different because it will have been recorded at Stone Mountain Park in 2005. We hope you’ll hear how far we’ve come in those 8 years.
The Crimson Hawk: The Widow’s Web
[esplayer url = “” width = “80” height = “20” title = “Crimson Hawk: Widow’s Web”]
* Bumper’s Crossroads: Whole Lotto Shakin’ Going’ On by Daniel Taylor.
* Nikki’s Place: In a Bit of a Jam by Ron N. Butler.
* The Crimson Hawk: The Widow’s Web by Ron N. Butler (based on characters originated by Thomas E. Fuller.)