Would you like to learn how to perform or write audio drama yourself? Perhaps you’d rather learn production techniques, or sound mixing and editing. Join us. We charge less than a community college and we have a lot more fun.
We love hearing from our fans, but for a potentially faster answer to your question, you may wish to consider checking out these links first:
Email, along with the form below, are the best ways to reach us. However, if you’re old-fashioned, you can write to us at the following address (please note, our mailing address is NOT where rehearsals take place or the location of our studio):
Atlanta Radio Theatre Company
3577 Chamblee Tucker Rd STE A #189
Atlanta GA 30341-4423
If you would like to call us, you can leave a voicemail at , but it may take us longer to get back to you. Also, we occasionally get reports that we are slow to answer email. We try to get email answered as quickly as possible, so if you don’t hear back from us quickly after using the form, send email directly to info AT artc DOT org.