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The Game is Afoot: Game the Fourth – The Ultimate Ultimatum

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We love all of our audiences and look forward to entertaining everyone, but some audiences have a special place in our hearts. 221B Con is one of them. Not least because we pack the house when we go there!

Audience at 221B Con 2016

It’s such a ton of fun playing to these dedicated Sherlock Holmes fans. An iconic character, portayed by a variety of actors in a variety of ways, but without having to deal with all the time travel and blue police boxes. For this performance, we commissioned new scripts from Sketch MacQuinor. One was Commonplaces, by Naomi Novik (stay tuned to see if we can run that one on the podcast), and the other was The Game is Afoot: Game the Fourth – The Ultimate Ultimatum.

Alton Leonard and Hal Wiedeman
Pictured: A ton of fun

We also had a special guest for the show, David Nellist!

David Nellist with Matt Goodson

David was such a good sport about this. We only asked him if he’d appear on stage with us a few hours before show time, but he agreed to do it readily. Right up until the show itself, we were figuring out the logistics of when to have him approach the stage, how to introduce him, and going over his role.

Alton Leonard, Hal Wiedeman, David Nellist, and Matt Goodson
And then we gave him a non-speaking part and pushed his character off a cliff.

And the fans LOVED it! Next year we hope to have him back in a more substantial (and audible) role, but for this year he honored us by appearing on stage, however briefly, and gamely played along with the joke. Thank you, David!

Daniel Kiernan at the Foley sound effects table
Pictured: Our biggest fan

Thank you for listening! If you’re enjoying the podcast, be sure to support us on Patreon! Or just tell your friends about us!

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30 Years of ARTC: Dragon Con 2005 part 1

This being our 30th anniversary, we thought we’d dip back into the past and recap some of our previous performances, triumphs and tragedies, in a series of posts. And don’t forget our Chronology! It’s not as detailed, but it really shows the growth of ARTC over the years. You can see all of the photos in their full size on our Flickr album!

We’re still on a Dragon Con high (or still getting over con crud, your choice), so this week we bring you the 2005 edition! Hey, they’re our biggest audiences of the year, I think we can be forgiven for spending some extra time on these great fans!

If there’s one thing we know for sure at ARTC it’s that we’re nothing without our writers, and we’ve been very lucky to have worked with some of the best. Writing audio drama isn’t done much anymore, and finding someone who can write it well is uncommon. We have an extensive workshopping process to make sure that our scripts are their very best before we present them to our listening audience.

At this Dragon Con, we featured several of our newer writers, who have since gone on to write some really incredible stuff!

Jonathan Strickland
Jonathan Strickland

Jonathan Strickland has written a lot, but for this performance we featured an episode from his Mildly Exciting Tales of Astonishment (META) series.

Sketch MacQuinor
Sketch MacQuinor

Sketch MacQuinor seems to write all the time, although sometimes he only writes it in his head. For this performance we showcased the Brotherhood of Damn Sassy Mutants (work out that initialism on your own, kids), but he’s also created The Game is Afoot!, Blue Hannukchristmas Carol, and lots of other stuff too numerous to mention here.

We also performed Rory Rammer, Space Marshal and The Adventure of Brave Ragnar, but somehow managed not to get a picture of Ron N. Butler or Kelley S. Ceccato this year.

Brad Strickland
Brad Strickland disapproves of this egregious oversight.

And after the writing is done, it’s time for the rest of the team to swing into action!

The cast warms up for the performance.
First, warmups.

Vocal warmups are vital to a good performance. Here you can see the ‘huddle’ style.

Brad Weage and Joel Abbott go over the musical score before the show.
Music is important, too.

Music and tech work closely together to ensure everything is plugged in and functional.

Foley artists creating live sound effects.
Foley gets into the mix.

It’s not a radio show without Foley!

David Benedict and Jack Mayfield perform.
And then it’s showtime!

We still aren’t sure what Jack Mayfield is looking at in this picture.

We’ll be back next week with part 2 of Dragon Con 2005!

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The Game is Afoot! Game the third: The Adventure of the Tick Tock Dick

This month: Size: 11.7M Duration: 25:41

[esplayer url = “” width = “80” height = “20” title = “Game is Afoot: Tick Tock Dick”]

This month we bring you The Game is Afoot: Game the Third, the Adventure of the Tick Tock Dick by Sketch MacQuinor, performed live at Dragon*Con, September 2, 2011.

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The Game is Afoot! Game the First: The Phantom Chippendale

Size: 9M, Duration: 19:56

[esplayer url = “” width = “80” height =”20″ title = “Game is Afoot 1: Phantom Chippendale”]

This month we bring you episode one of Sketch MacQuinor’s versatile seriesThe Game is Afoot!: The Phantom Chippendale. It was performed live at the Academy Theatre’s STEAM Fest, April 9, 2011. Versatile because it started as a puppet show, changed cast, then morphed into an audio drama, and may transform back at a moment’s notice. Or less! You can also get a visual on this performance at our YouTube site so you can see what everybody is laughing about 10 or 11 minutes into the piece. Part 1 Part 2

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Blue Hanukchristmas Carol

Size: 6.93M, Duration: 15:08

[esplayer url = “” width = “80” height = “20” title = “Blue Hanukchristmas Carol”]

Welcome again to the ARTC Podcast! This month we bring you a piece we thought we had brought you a while back, but after going through the archives we discovered we’d overlooked it! This piece is so good that we couldn’t just let that slide, so here it is: Blue Hanukchristmas Carol by Sketch MacQuinor.

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Size and duration unknown

[esplayer url = “” width = “80” height = “20” title = “Superheroes…?”]

This week we delve into the realm of …superheroes?  Well, it greatly depends on how you define the term, really.  We’ve brought you installments from these great series before, but we like them (and we hope you do, too!) so here’s some more!

First up, The Brotherhood of Damn Sassy Mutants in Episode One – “Flame Out”, by “Sketch” MacQuinor.

Then, hold onto your dry-erase markers, as we bring you Mildly Exciting Tales of Astonishment – “A Consultation with Eeeeevil” by Jonathan Strickland.

Both of these were performed live at Sci-Fi Summer 2005.