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The Twelve Days of An Atlanta Christmas (2015) Day 6

Welcome to the Twelve Days of An Atlanta Christmas (2015 edition)! Leading up to our December 12 and 13 performances at the Academy Theatre in Stockbridge, we’ll be bringing you our own take on this holiday classic!

On the third day of An Atlanta Christmas, my true love gave to me…six colored microphones…
five old CDs!
four Foley artists
three singers singing
two Stockbridge shows
And an interview on WABE!

Microphones are, of course, essential to audio drama. Here at ARTC we like to color-code them to make sure the actors know where to go. Because, y’know, actors. If you’ve ever seen us live before the pattern will look very familiar. And if you haven’t, now’s your chance!

An Atlanta Christmas 2009
The color-coded microphones match the station colors. Please move to the center of the theatre and away from the doors.
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The Twelve Days of An Atlanta Christmas (2015) Day 5

Welcome to the Twelve Days of An Atlanta Christmas (2015 edition)! Leading up to our December 12 and 13 performances at the Academy Theatre in Stockbridge, we’ll be bringing you our own take on this holiday classic!

On the third day of An Atlanta Christmas, my true love gave to me…five old CDs!
four Foley artists
three singers singing
two Stockbridge shows
And an interview on WABE!

The CD may not be as popular as it once was, but we’ve still got ’em and, let’s face it, it’s nice to have something tangible to put under the tree. Yes, we can all wrap up an empty box or put gift cards in an envelope, but think back to when you were a kid. Which presents were the most intriguing? The big ones! What could it possibly be??

(Incidentally, just as a matter of trivia, if you stacked every ARTC CD available up and wrapped them as a group, they’d be about 13.5″ tall by 5.25″ wide by 7.5″ deep. Give or take. Just sayin’.)

Also, today’s the last day for our 10% off sale! Check us out on Facebook and Twitter to get the discount code, but hurry! It expires today (12/5)!!

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The Twelve Days of An Atlanta Christmas (2015) Day 4

Welcome to the Twelve Days of An Atlanta Christmas (2015 edition)! Leading up to our December 12 and 13 performances at the Academy Theatre in Stockbridge, we’ll be bringing you our own take on this holiday classic!

On the third day of An Atlanta Christmas, my true love gave to me…four Foley artists…
three singers singing
two Stockbridge shows
And an interview on WABE!

It ain’t audio drama without sound effects, and just like Christmas presents the best sound effects are the ones you make yourself! That’s why ARTC prides itself on creating live Foley sound effects at most of our shows. Come see for yourself what goes into making our unique soundscape at An Atlanta Christmas!

Caution: Live Foley being created!
Caution: Live Foley being created!
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The Twelve Days of An Atlanta Christmas (2015) Day 3

Welcome to the Twelve Days of An Atlanta Christmas (2015 edition)! Leading up to our December 12 and 13 performances at the Academy Theatre in Stockbridge, we’ll be bringing you our own take on this holiday classic!

On the third day of An Atlanta Christmas, my true love gave to me…three singers singing…
two Stockbridge shows
And an interview on WABE!

Music is an integral part of the holiday season. It nearly always comes up on everyone’s list of things they think of when they think of this time of year. Whether it’s a favorite old carol, a new classic, or an obnoxious earworm that you’ll never get rid of, the music of the season is inescapable and we’ve been privileged to have a number of extremely talented guests at our live performances over the years.

Spectrum LogoThis year’s performance of An Atlanta Christmas will feature Spectrum, Atlanta’s Trans Community Choir! Several ARTC members are a part of this all-inclusive singing group, and we’re looking forward to hearing what they have to bring to the show! (There’s probably going to be more than 3 of them.)

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The Twelve Days of An Atlanta Christmas (2015) Day 2

Welcome to the Twelve Days of An Atlanta Christmas (2015 edition)! Leading up to our December 12 and 13 performances at the Academy Theatre in Stockbridge, we’ll be bringing you our own take on this holiday classic!

On the second day of An Atlanta Christmas, my true love gave to me…two Stockbridge shows
And an interview on WABE!

That’s right, two shows at the Academy Theatre in Stockbridge! December 12 at 8:00pm and December 13 at 2:30pm. In its 16th year, this Southern tradition just keeps going strong!

And the Stockbridge Community Arts Center is the perfect venue. This intimate space will let you enjoy the sounds of the show and give you a chance to mingle with the actors during the intermission and after the show!

The Legend of the Poinsettia in Stockbridge, 2014!
The Legend of the Poinsettia in Stockbridge, 2014!
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The Twelve Days of An Atlanta Christmas (2015) Day 1

Welcome to the Twelve Days of An Atlanta Christmas (2015 edition)! Leading up to our December 12 and 13 performances at the Academy Theatre in Stockbridge, we’ll be bringing you our own take on this holiday classic!

On the first day of An Atlanta Christmas my true love gave to me…an interview on WABE!

Tune in to City Lights this morning just after 11am (12/1) to hear a LIVE interview with ARTC Executive Producer David Benedict, Head Writer Brad Strickland, and City Lights host Lois Reitzes!