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The Music of Erich Zann

The Music of Erich Zann

[esplayer url = “” width = “80” height = “20” title = “The Music of Erich Zann”]

Can you believe the first ARTC podcast was back in 2006? We can’t, and we published it!

At the end of 2015, we featured three interviews with ARTC writers and performers. We’ll be having more of that in 2016, but for now let’s get back to the audio drama with The Music of Erich Zann by H. P. Lovecraft, adapated for audio by Jonathan Horton and David Benedict, featuring music by The Ghosts Project, Paul Mercer and Davis Petterson with Alton Leonard.

This was part of our Lovecraft’s Nightmares show back in 2012 at the Academy Theatre.

Davis Petterson, Alton Leonard, and Paul Mercer
Davis is a dark and shadowy presence.

Lovecraft’s Nightmares was a monthlong celebration of the master of cosmic horror. His writing focuses on the strange, the macabre, and the insane. Speaking of insane, we performed a different Lovecraft adaptation each week in October of 2012, and many of the cast and crew went insane and everyone called the producer insane. But it was a ton of fun and we got a lot of great performances out of that month!

David Benedict
Pictured: The Producer. Insane.

You can hear more of the performances from Lovecraft’s Nightmares, and even more of our ongoing collaboration with The Ghosts Project, by purchasing them from our catalog. But for now, here’s a glimpse into madness. We hope you enjoy it.

Paul Mercer
Paul Mercer
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The Twelve Days of An Atlanta Christmas (2015) Day 3

Welcome to the Twelve Days of An Atlanta Christmas (2015 edition)! Leading up to our December 12 and 13 performances at the Academy Theatre in Stockbridge, we’ll be bringing you our own take on this holiday classic!

On the third day of An Atlanta Christmas, my true love gave to me…three singers singing…
two Stockbridge shows
And an interview on WABE!

Music is an integral part of the holiday season. It nearly always comes up on everyone’s list of things they think of when they think of this time of year. Whether it’s a favorite old carol, a new classic, or an obnoxious earworm that you’ll never get rid of, the music of the season is inescapable and we’ve been privileged to have a number of extremely talented guests at our live performances over the years.

Spectrum LogoThis year’s performance of An Atlanta Christmas will feature Spectrum, Atlanta’s Trans Community Choir! Several ARTC members are a part of this all-inclusive singing group, and we’re looking forward to hearing what they have to bring to the show! (There’s probably going to be more than 3 of them.)

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31 Years of ARTC: The Last Dragon to Avondale 2010

Continuing our look back at ARTC’s 31 years (thusfar!) with photos from our live performances. You can get a look at our whole history of combining adventures in sound with the thrill of live performance in our Chronology!

In this installment we bring you our appearance at the Academy Theatre in October 2010 where we performed The Last Dragon to Avondale along with The House Across the Way, featuring music by Brad Weage and Paul Mercer, and Rory Rammer, Space Marshal: The Colour of the Shadow of the Outsider Over the Mountains of Madness Out of Space. This performance was a benefit for Georgia Aquarium (it was one of our first benefit performances, in fact!) and also included special musical guest Rooke! Check out all the pictures on our Flickr album.

In 2010 we debuted our Partners in Imagination program, which strives to harness the power of multiple non-profit groups into something stronger by raising awareness amongst our various audiences and maybe even a little money as well.

Megan Tindale and Brian Troxell
Psst…there’s not a lot of money in this…at least not yet.

We had originally wanted to do this benefit for Georgia Aquarium with Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, but it became apparent very quickly that the script wouldn’t be ready in time, so we switched gears to The Last Dragon to Avondale. We felt that its focus on an “endangered species” made it a great fit.

Andrew Chiang and Sonya Arundar
“You keep telling yourself that, ok?”

Plus, we’d been performing at the Academy Theatre in Avondale Estates for a while at this point and to NOT perform this piece there would have been a crime against … well, a crime against something. Dragons, maybe.

The audience for
We got a good turnout, too!

We also had the privilege of working with some amazing musicians on this piece. There was Brad Weage.

Brad Weage
The very serious Brad Weage

Paul Mercer on violin. This was Paul’s first appearance with us!

Paul Mercer
The equally serious Paul Mercer

And our special musical guest, Rooke! Rooke has been around since the late 1980s and play a kind of (in their words) acid folk. We couldn’t quite get the whole band for this show, but we were thrilled to get Steven Sams, David Cater, and Keena Graham!

Steven Sams, Keena Graham, and David Cater
The not-quite-so-serious Rooke!

Rooke actually released an album of the recordings from this performance, so go get some great music!

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31 Years of ARTC: The Island of Dr. Moreau 2010

Continuing our look back at ARTC’s 31 years (thusfar!) with photos from our live performances. You can get a look at our whole history of combining adventures in sound with the thrill of live performance in our Chronology!

In this installment we bring you our appearance at the Academy Theatre in October 2010 where we performed The Island of Dr. Moreau, featuring music by The Ghosts Project, along with Inhuman Rights, Rory Rammer, Space Marshal: Set Loose the Dogs of Time, and Bumpers Crossroads: The Stray Dog. This performance was a benefit for the Atlanta Humane Society and also included special musical guest Julie Gribble! Check out all the pictures on our Flickr album.

Ok, first up, we know that using The Island of Dr. Moreau as a benefit for the Atlanta Humane Society sounds like a sick joke.

Fiona K. Leonard and Daniel Taylor.
Really sick.

But the truth was that we thought it was a perfect choice to highlight the plight of animals. While it’s true that nobody is trying to turn animals into humans surgically…

Hal Wiedeman, Rachel Wansker, Clair W. Kiernan, Daniel W. Kiernan

…animals still face serious challenges every day due to neglect, maltreatment, habitat loss, and various other challenges. We wanted to help, and we felt that one of H. G. Wells’s more shocking stories might assist with that.

Ron N. Butler, Brian Troxell, Hal Wiedeman, J. E. Hurlburt
And goodness knows we can use all the help we can get.

This was also a musically packed performance. In addition to the usual brilliance of Alton Leonard, we were thrilled to be graced with The Ghosts Project!

Daniel Taylor, Clair W. Kiernan, Paul Mercer, Davis Petterson
There they are, lurking in the background. Try not to frighten them.

Not to mention our very special musical guest, Julie Gribble!

Julie Gribble
With suitably dramatic lighting

This performance also featured our Beast Men Chorus, led by Beastmistress Trudy Leonard.

The Beast Chorus
Try not to let THEM frighten YOU. (click this image for a larger version)

Not to mention one of the more violent Foley performances in ARTC’s history, involving a rubber mallet and a rather unfortunate butternut squash, used to simulate the cracking of the pantherwoman’s skull.

Butternut squash
Before (front)
butternut squash
Before (back) (it saw what happened to its predecessors…)
Sonya, Mary Ward, David Benedict
The dastardly deed
butternut squash...squashed
The evidence of the crime

Be sure to come see more crimes against produce as we mangle a grapefruit in our upcoming performances of The Passion of Frankenstein!

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A Tribute to Brad Weage

Size: 12.7M Duration: 27:16

[esplayer url = “” width = “80” height = “20” title = “A Tribute to Brad Weage”]

In this episode of the podcast, we pay tribute to the memory of Brad Weage, longtime composer and friend to ARTC and its members, who passed away on August 22, 2010 from complications of double pneumonia.

Brad composed many of the themes for our serials including Rory Rammer, Space Marshal, The Brotherhood of Damn Sassy Mutants, Mildly Exciting Tales of Astonishment, and The Jane Handley-Page Show.  He also lent his talents to our feature-length studio works including The Passion of Frankenstein, The Menace From Earth, The Doom of the Mummy,and Solution Unsatisfactory to name but a few.

He performed live with us often.  If you ever heard ARTC live, there’s an excellent chance you heard Brad.  If you heard us live more than once, it’s a virtual certainty.

He is missed more than we can possibly express.

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An Atlanta Christmas part 7

Size: 6.7M Duration: 14:20

[esplayer url = “” width = “80” height = “20” title = “An Atlanta Christmas part 7”]

Welcome everyone to the last Christmas podcast of the year.  We conclude the season with another very recent show, Sunday, December 23 to be exact.  And we are proud to bring you a segment of An Atlanta Christmas that has never been presented before.  “Civil War Triptych”, written by Thomas E. Fuller, follows the Christmas stories of three characters, each with an entirely different situation and take on the season.

Again, technical reasons prevented me from including the performer’s names in the audio, but they are Clair W. Kiernan, Veronica Byrd, and Jeff Montgomery.  Assisting with the song at the end are Dawn Marie and Sarah Taylor.  Special thanks to our performance coach, Doug Kaye.

We hope you’ve enjoyed our annual presentation of An Atlanta Christmas.  We look forward to doing it again next year.

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An Atlanta Christmas part 6

Size: 4M Duration: 8:52

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Hey, folks, technical difficulties are forcing me to post this week’s installment without intro or outro crediting information.  Hopefully this is just temporary, but we’ll see.

This week’s episode is from an extremely recent show.  Like this past weekend.  Yes, from December 8, 2007 at 4pm to be exact, we present “Cut-Out Christmas” by Thomas E. Fuller, adapted for audio by Daniel Taylor and featuring the voices of Veronica Byrd and Burt Tanner.  Foley effects created by Sonya with Caran Wilbanks.  Music by Brad Weage.

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Rory Rammer, Space Marshal: The Asteroid of Love

Time: 12:57 File Size: 8.9 MB

[esplayer url = “” width = “80” height = “20” title = “Rory Rammer: Asteroid of Love”]

The Asteroid of Love (written by Ron N Butler) originally contained a song of the same name, which was a parody of an Andrew Sisters song. Obviously, this was not podcast safe. For our February 2007 show, musician Alton Leonard composed a _new_ song to replace the parody. And he performed it here with the Android Sisters, and our guests for that show, the Radio Ramblers. Of which, he is a regular member.

The cast: Announcer – Hal Wiedeman Rory Rammer – David Benedict. “Skip” Sagan – (and show host) – Daniel Whitworth Kiernan. Lavernw – Ariel Stewart. Maxine – Sarah Taylor. Patty – Clair W. Kiernan. Molly Pohl (Womanist) – Trudy Leonard. Space Marines Lieutenant – Al Przygocki. Live Foley by Lili, Sonya & Deanna Ameri. Recorded sound effects performed by Thomas Berry & Rachel Boman, provided by Henry Howard / Audio Craft Studio.

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An Atlanta Christmas Episode 3

Time: 27:36 Size: 18.9 MB

[esplayer url = “” width = “80” height = “20” title = “An Atlanta Christmas episode 3”]

Pour youself some of Collins’ Best Coffee (Christmas Blend) and stay tuned. Because this week’s podcast contains a special episode of Bumper’s Crosroads: Ernie the Christmas Snail – by Daniel Kiernan. This is followed by Davy Crockett and Me – written by Thomas E. Fuller. We have a musical portion of the show too: The Carol of the Birds. (traditional)