Robert Louis Stevenson claimed that the basic story of The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde came to him in a nightmare. As Stevenson told the story, the secret of the relationship between the respectable Henry Jekyll and the malevolent Edward Hyde was not revealed until the final chapter. The biggest challenge we faced in adapting this classic was its fame; the central mystery of the original tale is common knowledge, and “Jekyll and Hyde” has become a synonym for “split personality”. We turned our attention to the central conflict of the story, the struggle between duty and lust for the soul of Henry Jekyll. The listener can decide for himself who wins that battle.
Featuring the voices of William L Brown as Henry Jekyll, Ron N Butler as Edward Hyde, Brad Strickland as John Utterson, and Thomas E Fuller as Hastie Lanyon. Also appearing are Daniel Whitworth Kiernan, Daniel Marcy, David Benedict, Alton Leonard, Clair Whitworth Kiernan, Trudy Leonard, Caran Wilbanks, Daniel Taylor, and Edward Fuller.
Adapted by Daniel Taylor. Original score composed and performed by Alton Leonard. Foley effects by Daniel Taylor. Produced and soundscaped by Henry Howard at AudioCraft Studios. Directed by Thomas E Fuller.
Jekyll and Hyde was originally performed in the studios of Peach State Public Radio for a live broadcast on Hallowe’en, 1995.