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The Shadow Over Innsmouth part 1 of 5

Size: 8M Duration: 16:54

[esplayer url = “” width = “80” height = “20” title = “The Shadow Over Innsmouth part 1 of 5”]

This week we are pleased to begin a five part presentation of H. P. Lovecraft’s The Shadow Over Innsmouth, adapted for audio by Thomas E. Fuller and Gregory Nicholl.  It features the voice of legendary writer Harlan Ellison, as well as anime voice actor Michael Brady.

This was performed live at Dragon*Con 2004.

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The Colour Out of Space

Size: 18.2M Duration: 39:55

[esplayer url = “” width = “80” height = “20” title = “The Colour Out of Space”]

Hope everyone is having a happy new year.  To start out 2007 we’re going to get back to our roots by presenting The Colour Out of Space by H. P. Lovecraft, adapted by Ron N. Butler, and performed live at Dragon*Con 2006.  This was our only show at Dragon*Con this year, so if you missed it then this is your chance!  We’ve performed at every Dragon*Con since the first, and Lovecraft has always been one of our mainstays.

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The Dancer in the Dark part 1 of 3

time 3:01 (10.54 MB)

[esplayer url = “” width = “80” height = “20” title = “The Dancer in the Dark part 1 of 3”]

The Atlanta Radio Theatre Company (ARTC) is proud to present a performance performed and recorded live at SciFi Summer Con 2002: Thomas E. Fuller’s radio play, The Dancer in the Dark.

Be sure to check back next Thursday (September 14th) for the second installment.