Produced and directed by William Alan Ritch. Recorded by Henry Howard at Audio Craft Studio. Original music by Brad Weage. Foley sound effects by Lili Bilbao and Sonya Arundar. Recorded at Audio Craft Studio.
Also included:
Rory Rammer, Space Marshal: Luna Shall Be Dry! by Ron N. Butler
In flashback, young Marshal Rammer gets his first posting, to the rough mining town of Luna City, just as a female temperance activist crashes the robot freighter carrying L-City’s monthly shipment of liquor. Rammer must take her into protective custody before the outraged miners capture her and do God-knows-what with her.
Rory Rammer, Space Marshal: Luna Shall Be Dry! was written by Ron N. Butler, produced by David Benedict and directed by William Alan Ritch. Featuring the voices of David Benedict as Rory Rammer, Jack Mayfield as “Skip” Sagan, Phil Carter as the Announcer with Clair W. Kiernan, Daniel W. Kiernan, Doug Kaye, Terry Sanders, Sketch MacQuinor, Trudy Leonard, Ron N. Butler, and Daniel Taylor.
Recording engineering and recorded effects provided by Henry Howard at Audio Craft Studio. Music by Brad Weage. Karaoke songs by William Alan Ritch and Joel Abbott.