
The ARTC Chronology


Sunday, April 04 Costume Con – Kissed by a Stranger (original playbill) (photos from the show) Saturday, May 01 Frontier Days –  An exploration of the early years in Georgia, between the Revolutionary War and the Civil War, this pioneering performance has been written especially for this event. Join us as we blaze new trails through the soundscape and learn more about what makes Georgia what it is today.  An outdoor performance, and one of the reasons we don’t perform outdoors much anymore.  Ask us about it when you see us! (original playbill) (photos from the show) Friday, June 11 Sci Fi Summer – Rory Rammer, Space Marshal: Murder by Meteor and Luna Shall be Dry!, Terra Tarkington, Interstellar Nurses Corps: Bitch on the Bull Run, The Crimson Hawk: The Widow’s Web (original playbill) (photos from the show) Saturday, July 31 Tomato Festival – A selection of plant-based audio drama. (original playbill) (photos from the show) Friday, September 03 Dragon*Con 2004 – The Shadow Over Innsmouth (with Harlan Ellison and Michael Brady), The Menace From Earth (with Jewel Staite) (original playbill) (photos from The Shadow Over Innsmouth) (photos from The Menace From Earth) Sunday, September 19 Talk Like a Pirate Day – Readings from the Pirate Hunter books by Brad Strickland and Thomas E. Fuller (photos from the show) October 29-November 19 Onstage Atlanta – A selection of Halloween-related audio dramas, featuring All Hallows’ Moon (original playbill) (photos from the show) Saturday, October 30 Into the Labyrinth at Stone Mountain – A selection of Halloween-related audio dramas presented throughout the evening at Stone Mountain Park (original playbill) (photos from the show) Saturday, December 11 ARTC Christmas at Stone Mountain – An Atlanta Christmas


Sunday, March 09 Fellowship of Reason – Guerrilla Radio Theatre featuring A Case of Abuse (original playbill) Friday, May 30 Sci-Fi Summer 2003 – To Dine With the Devil; Blues for Johnny Raven (original playbill) Friday, June 20 Harry Potter and the Theater of the Mind – The release party for Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix held at the Barnes and Noble Perimeter location.  A grand event, with staged readings of selected chapters from the previous books culminating with a reading from chapter one of the new book at midnight.  We introduced a ton of young people to audio drama that night and had a great time doing it in costume! (photos from the show) Friday, August 29 Dragon*Con 2003 – Rory Rammer, Space Marshal: The Meteor Surfers, Can You Hear Me?; The Island of Dr. Moreau (original playbill) (photos from the show) Saturday, December 13 ARTC Christmas at Stone Mountain – An Atlanta Christmas (original playbill) (photos from the show)


Friday, January 18 8 1/2 x 11 at Dad’s Garage – Eight and a half directors present pieces in 11 minutes.  ARTC contributed a different piece each night (and we were the half of a director, so we only had 5.5 minutes), consisting of the following: The Shape of Things to Come, I Am/You Are/He Is: Men Who Morph, The Jane Handley-Page Show: The Most-Pierced Man in America, The Blair Cream Adventure, Suspense, Mystery, Cowboy and Indian Hour, Unresolved Mysteries: Phrenotherapy and Rory Rammer: Martian Mafia, Bumpers Crossroads: Hide, a Cow’s Outside, Bubblewrap, and assorted commercial parodies. Friday, June 14 Sci-Fi Summer 2002 – The Dancer in the Dark Friday, August 30 Dragon*Con 2002 – The Dancer in the Dark; Rory Rammer, Space Marshal: The Colour of the Shadow of the Outsider Over the Mountains of Madness out of Space, Special Order (photos from the show) Saturday, November 09 Atlanta Science Fiction Society Saturday, December 14 ARTC Christmas at Stone Mountain 2002 – An Atlanta Christmas Date Unknown Camp Wak-N-Hak 2002 (photos from the show)


Saturday, April 28 Georgia Libertarian Party Convention – Inhuman Rights, A Case of Abuse, The Menace From Earth Saturday, May 12 Parkview High School – A selection of short subjects, including Chief Burnley, Rory Rammer, Space Marshal, and A Case of Abuse by Ron N Butler, and featuring Thomas E. Fuller’s fantasy Chronos Beach and Robert A Heinlein’s The Menace From Earth Monday, June 18 NATF 2001 – Chronos Beach Saturday, July 07 Sci-Fi Summer 2001 – The Shape of Things to Come by Daniel Taylor; Rory Rammer, Space Marshal: The Asteroid of Love by Ron N Butler; Robert A Heinlein’s The Menace From Earth Saturday, July 14 Birmingham Radio Theater Workshop Friday, August 31 Dragon*Con 2001 – Solution Unsatisfactory, Rory Rammer, Space Marshal; Guards! Guards! by Terry Pratchett (scan of original playbill) (photos from the show) (more photos from the show) Sunday, December 09 Festival of Trees – An Atlanta Christmas – another one of the more interesting venues.  There was an indoor roller coaster nearby.


Wednesday, April 19 Fifi’s Follies @ the Somber Reptile – Jane Handley-Page in The Most Pierced Man and Inhuman Rights by Ron N Butler; The Shape of Things to Come and Men Who Morph by Daniel Taylor Sunday, May 28 Decatur Arts Festival – Nosinet by Daniel Taylor; A Case of Abuse, Jane Handley-Page in Inhuman Rights, and Who Is This Shakespeare Person, Anyway? by Ron N Butler Thursday, June 29 Dragon*Con 14 – All Hallows’ Moon; Most Pierced Man, Rory Rammer, Space Marshal: Queen of the Spaceways, Zap Thy Neighbor, All You Zombies… (photos from the show) Friday, October 06 “Slightly Surreal” @ DramaTech – Rory Rammer, Space Marshal: The Last Vampire by Ron N. Butler and Robert A. Heinlein’s All You Zombies… Saturday, October 28 WREK, “The Audio Theater Hour” – Saturdays at 5pm, starting Oct 28 Tuesday, October 31 Georgia-Pacific Corporate Luncheon – Ghost Dance Friday, December 15 Parkview High School – An Atlanta Christmas Friday, December 22 Echo Lounge Christmas Santacular – An Atlanta Christmas


Saturday, March 06 World Horror Convention – The Passion of Frankenstein (live webcast through Saturday, May 15 OASIS – The Canterville Ghost, Armadillos and Tigers and Bears, Oh My, Rory Rammer, Space Marshal: The Phantom Menace Sunday, May 30 Decatur Arts Festival – The Canterville Ghost, Armadillos and Tigers and Bears, Oh My (photos from the show) Thursday, July 01 Dragon*Con 13 – Throne of Shadows, Our Fair City, Rory Rammer, Space Marshal: The Phantom Menace (photos from the show) Friday, November 12 Gwinnett History Museum – Bumpers Crossroads: Hide! A Cow’s Outside!, Unresolved Mysteries: Phrenotherapy, Rory Rammer: The Last Vampire, The Last Dragon to Avondale


Saturday, May 16 OASIS – Special Order, The Man Who Traveled in Elephants Sunday, May 24 Decatur Arts Festival – Country of the Blind, The Man Who Traveled in Elephants Thursday, September 03 Dragon*Con 12 – The Passion of Frankenstein, Rory Rammer, Space Marshal: The Cosmic Cycloplex, The Man Who Traveled in Elephants (photos from the show) Friday, October 02 Southeast Antique Radio Show – Dan Turner, Hollywood Detective and other short subjects Saturday, October 10 Necronomicon – The Passion of Frankenstein Sunday, December 27 Peach State Public Radio – A Peach State Christmas (pre-recorded broadcast)


Sunday, January 26 Eddie’s Attic Sunday, February 09 WRFG – The Hoyden (live broadcast) Monday, February 10 Ponce de Leon Branch, Atlanta Public Library – The Hoyden Sunday, May 25 Decatur Arts Festival – The Picture of Dorian Gray Thursday, June 26 Dragon*Con 11 – The Menace From Earth, Cyberdick 2, The Brides of Dracula Saturday, September 13 Old English Festival – An unknown episode of Dr. Geoffry Stanhope, Investigator of Occult Phenomena Friday, September 26 Southeast Antique Radio Show – More Stanhope and other short subjects Saturday, October 11 Necronomicon – Country of the Blind, Two’s a Crowd Saturday, October 25 Friends of Old-Time Radio – Geoffry Stanhope: Hour of the Wolf – Daniel Taylor as Geoffry Stanhope, Thomas E Fuller as Colonel Horatio Fitzwilliams, Clair Kiernan as Maria von Ritter, Daniel Kiernan as Burgomeister Hugo Brassner, Terry Sanders as the announcer, and Ron Butler as the rest of Germany. Friday, October 31 Peach State Public Radio – The Brides of Dracula Friday, October 31 WBAI-FM – Pacifica Public Radio, NY – The Brides of Dracula Saturday, December 13 Peach State Public Radio Open House Monday, December 15 Zapien’s New York Salon – An Atlanta Christmas.  One of the more unusual venues for this performance.


Friday, February 16 Barnes & Noble Friday, April 26 DeepSouthCon – Jekyll Island – Can You Hear Me?, The Assassins, A Case of Abuse, Chronos Beach Sunday, May 26 Decatur Arts Festival – The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Friday, May 31 Theatre of the Blind – Unitarian Church – The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Bumpers Crossroads – ask us about this show if you see us. Thursday, June 20 Dragon*Con 10 – The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Blues for Johnny Raven, Cyberdick, A Real Babe. Monday, August 12 Atlanta Public Library Sunday, August 25 Eddie’s Attic – Monthly shows from August through March 1997. Tuesday, October 01 Seeing Ear Theatre Saturday, October 05 Southeast Antique Radio Show – Crimson Hawk: The Pyres of Pyros Friday, October 11 Necronomicon – Can You Hear Me?, Crimson Hawk: The Kraken, The Menace From Earth, Creation is a Circle Thursday, October 31 Peach State Public Radio – All Hallows’ Moon (Live broadcast) Sunday, December 22 Eddie’s Attic – An Atlanta Christmas (presented as Christmas in the Attic)


Sunday, January 01 WREK – Saturdays at 5:30, January-March, Your Radio Rialto Saturday, February 18 Under Construction 2 – Most Pierced Man, Rory Rammer: Eye in the Sky, The Assassins, Chronos Beach Saturday, February 25 Barnes & Noble – We were a semi-regular presence at the Perimeter Barnes & Noble throughout the year. Saturday, March 04 World Horror Convention – Into the Labyrinth 3 Monday, May 08 and Sept 18 Atlanta Public Library – We appeared twice at the Ponce de Leon branch of Atlanta Public Library. Saturday, May 27 Media Play Southlake Friday, July 14 Dragon*Con 9 – Can You Hear Me?, Special Order, The Time Machine Sunday, August 27 WRAS – The Last Dragon to Avondale (live broadcast) Friday, October 13 NecronomiCon – Dash Cardigan, A Case of Abuse Tuesday, October 31 Peach State Public Radio – The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (Live performance) followed by a taped broadcast of The Island of Dr. Moreau. Saturday, November 11 Antares – A Glitch in Time


Friday, January 07 Little Five Points Coffeehouse Saturday, January 29 Cartersville Radio Theater Saturday, February 26 Under Construction – Special Order, Bumpers Crossroads Special Report, A Case of Abuse, Creation is a Circle Saturday, July 16 Dragon*Con 8 – The Island of Dr. Moreau Saturday, August 27 DeepSouthCon – Birmingham AL: Armadillo Radio Hour, featuring King Kong, The Shape of Things to Come, Bumpers Crossroads: Hide, the Cow’s Outside, A Case of Abuse, The Armadillo and the Karaoke of Doom Friday, September 02 Props Restaurant Saturday, September 03 Burroughs Dum-Dum – Nadir of the Apes, Rory Rammer: Green Man’s Burden Saturday, October 15 NecronomiCon – Rory Rammer: Eye in the Sky, Rory Rammer: Green Man’s Burden, Special Order Wednesday, October 19 Premiere of Radioland Murders – Crimson Hawk: Pyres of Pyros Saturday, October 22 UGA Theater of the Mind – The Countess, directed by Himan Brown (not an ARTC production, but featuring many of our personnel), performed at the Morton Theatre and broadcast over WUOG. Monday, October 31 Peach State Public Radio – The Island of Dr. Moreau (live broadcast) Tuesday, November 01 WREK – Saturdays at 5:30, November-December, Your Radio Rialto


Saturday, April 17 PhoenixCon – Armadillo Radio Hour: The Armadillo Inside Out Friday, May 28 Little Five Points Coffeehouse – Monthly venue, in the Horizon Theater / WRFG building on Euclid Avenue. May ’93 through April ’94.  This is where many of our best-loved serials originated, including Bumpers Crossroads, Rory Rammer, and The Crimson Hawk. Saturday, July 17 Dragon*Con 7 – Ole Doc Methuselah: The Great Air Monopoly Friday, July 23 Callanwolde – ARTC Tenth Anniversary performance Saturday, October 16 AtomiCon – Special Order


Saturday, July 18 Dragon*Con 6 – The Invisible Man Saturday, October 31 World Fantasy Con – At the Mountains of Madness


Sunday, July 14 Dragon*Con 5 – Lord Durndrun’s Party


Saturday, July 14 Dragon*Con 4 – The Rats in the Walls


Friday, July 14 Dragon*Con 3 – The Shadow Over Innsmouth


Thursday, July 14 Dragon*Con 2 – The Dunwich Horror


Sunday, June 14 WGKA – WGKA Summer Series, 13 hours Monday, June 15 Centauri Express – Release of Centauri Express Audio Magazine #1.The cassette periodical published four more issues, the last in 1990. Centauri Express, and ARTC, continued to publish its programs on tape (and later CD), but never again attempted a regular schedule. Tuesday, July 14 Dragon*Con 1 – The Call of Cthulhu by H. P. Lovecraft, adapted by Gerald W. Page.  Sadly, this performance and the script that allowed it have been lost to antiquity.  Our current version was written by Ron N. Butler.


Friday, August 29 Confederation / WorldCon – Creation is a Circle (not an ARTC production, but featuring ARTC personnel)


Friday, June 14 Peach State Public Radio – SouthernAire Radio Workshop